What PTSD Is and How to Find Help

The longer someone goes without being evaluated for PTSD or Complex PTSD, the more difficult it will be to recover. PTSD is treatable, and in some cases, preventable. Symptoms can begin in as few as two months after a traumatic event, decades later, or result from prolonged trauma. PTSD nightmares may also cause sleep issues, and PTSD flashbacks can happen anytime, anywhere. What is post traumatic stress disorder? Everything you need to know about PTSD is right here.

Irish woman suffering from PTSD laying faced down in bed

“Trauma” is a broad term and also uniquely relative to each person. A traumatic event or prolonged trauma can happen to anyone at any age.

It is what someone experiences during or after trauma that is termed post-traumatic, and stress hits different people in different ways. Extended periods of untreated stress — no matter the source — causes disorder in one’s life.

But how is post traumatic stress disorder diagnosed? What are the symptoms of PTSD? Is it treatable? Does PTSD go away? Keep reading to get answers to these questions and more about PTSD and Complex PTSD.


What are the types of PTSD?


Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) officially became a diagnosable condition in 1980. At that time, the disorder was observed mostly among active military members and war veterans because it was understood that the agent that causes the disorder was outside of the person and their control. 

Not too long after this classification, the listed examples of PTSD related tramatic events included sexual assault at any age and victims, survivors, and observers of violent acts or events.

Complex PTSD

In 1988, Dr. Judith Herman of Harvard University outlined a new type of post traumatic stress disorder known as Complex PTSD, which develops over a long period of trauma. 

Symptoms of complex PTSD include behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal difficulties, as well as somatization. What distinguishes Complex PTSD from PTSD is that the post traumatic stress disorder causes are not specifically trauma from childhood, sexual assault, or combat.

By classifying Complex PTSD, Herman expanded the post traumatic stress disorder definition to make the PTSD meaning more inclusive.

If you or a loved one experiences PTSD from childhood trauma, taking a test for post traumatic stress disorder can be co-facilitated by a trauma therapist and psychologist. Book your first appointment for trauma counselling now.


What are the signs of PTSD?

You may be wondering what PTSD feels like. Trauma symptoms will vary from person to person; consequently, the American Psychological Association has identified four categories that provide examples of PTSD clusters.



Recurrent dreams or nightmares, memories surfacing spontaneously, or having flashbacks. 


To prevent episodes, individuals may avoid certain situations, locations, or activities because they are PTSD triggers.

Negative Cognition and Moods

Continuously and silently blaming self or others, depression, and social anxiety.


Aggressiveness, always on the lookout for hidden dangers, feeling threatened, self-destructive behaviors and recklessness, “fight or flight” reactions, and sleep disturbances.


Are there tests for PTSD?

There are basic free online PTSD tests, but how PTSD is diagnosed involves much more testing and working closely with a psychologist and trauma therapist.

Hands pulling on strings in photo frame, indicating the struggle of PTSD

The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies provides official tests for clinicians to use for PTSD diagnosis. Taking a post traumatic stress disorder test will involve validated and scalable assessments of self-reported symptoms, risky behaviors, cognitive functioning, and life-time exposure.

Is there treatment for PTSD?

Yes. In fact, in some cases, PTSD is preventable by seeking trauma therapy immediately after a traumatic event. But, if PTSD is left untreated, the long-term effects of PTSD can be extremely damaging.

Common PTSD treatment options are:

Depending on the causes of PTSD, how long PTSD lasts, and whether or not the PTSD is from childhood trauma will determine the right post traumatic stress disorder treatment for you.


Trauma therapy can help you heal from childhood PTSD. Book your first session with one of our therapists to begin your PTSD recovery journey.


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